About PCFC
About Us
We are a family-friendly church centred around a living faith in Jesus Christ which aims to support, empower, and encourage one another! Our passion is to share the love and truth of Jesus, so that everyone can experience and grow in a relationship with God. Whatever your stage of faith, whether curious, questioning or a firm believer – all are welcome, just come as you are!
Who we are
We are a church in fellowship with the Assemblies of God GB family of churches, pentecostal in nature, with a family-friendly congregation, passionate about sharing the love and truth of Jesus with anyone unconditionally!
We believe in uplifting and encouraging each other with:
- The Eternal Truth and life-changing Power of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Healthy Relationships
- Friendly Fellowship
- And of course, a cup of good Yorkshire tea!
We have a ‘come as you are culture’ and are committed to caring for and uplifting our local community, and living life with the church family in Pocklington and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Church Services and Meetings
Church Services
Join us on a Sunday Morning at 10:30am for our Main Service which includes a time of worship in song, communion, prayer, testimonies, and a relevant Biblical message. We’d love you to stay for refreshments and fellowship after the service!
For those with little ones, we also have a Toddler corner filled with Christian Busy Boards, Christian flashcards, books & toys. For ages 4-11, our Children’s ministry, ‘PCFC Kids’, meets upstairs during the message and is filled with worship action songs, creative crafts, games and Bible stories!
Join us during the week at one of our Midweek Meetings or invite a friend and pop along to Brew ‘n’ Banter for more fellowship!
Contact us (email john@p-c-f.co.uk) for further details.

Midweek Meetings
The Sword (Weekly Bible Study)
Discover more of God’s character and truth in one of our bible studies. Mondays at 7:30pm. Venue announced each Sunday (Usually held in Market Weighton).
The Source (Weekly Prayer Walk)
Join us for a morning walk around town to listen, pray and hear God’s voice together. Fridays at 10.30am. Meet @PCF Main Hall.
Life Groups (Weekly small groups)
Our Life Groups meet weekly and are a fantastic opportunity to get to know each other and experience fellowship, prayer, support and life with the church family. If you would like to get involved, ask one of the Senior Leadership team for details of a life group near you!

Leadership team
Our Senior Leadership Team



Contact us
Get in touch
We know that trying a new church for the first time or going back to church after a long time is a hard thing to do. We aim to make it as easy as possible for you. Please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
You can use the form to ask a question, share your prayer needs with us (we promise to pray with and for you), or simply reach out for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.